Maximizing the Mentoring Experience

When people discuss mentoring, we think of an experienced and trusted adviser in a company or institution who trains and counsels new employees or students. Whether mentoring takes place at, or outside of work or school, it is invaluable, and will provide many benefits to both the mentor and mentee. Individual careers, businesses, our clients and the entire geoscience industry will all profit by sharing our expertise and experiences. I was fortunate to have several excellent mentors throughout my career, and I continue to learn and grow with them. As a mentor, I always learn more about myself and our industry with every mentoring experience.  I get immense personal satisfaction from being a mentor myself and sharing my knowledge; one of many reasons I was excited for the opportunity to join the APGO Pilot Mentoring Program.  Continue reading “Maximizing the Mentoring Experience”

The Importance of Life-Long Learning

One of the many things I enjoy about teaching AESAC training courses is that I always learn something new each time – yes, even an old dog like me can acquire new tricks.  This got me thinking about the importance of life-long learning. As science fiction author Isaac Asimov stated “Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is.” Whether for personal or professional reasons; the ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge is a fascinating and important task that can too often be neglected in our busy lives. Continue reading “The Importance of Life-Long Learning”

The Value of Mentoring

When people discuss mentoring, we think of an experienced and trusted adviser in a company or institution who trains and counsels new employees or students. Whether mentoring takes place at, or outside of work or school, it is invaluable, and will provide many benefits to both the mentor and mentee. Individual careers, businesses, our clients and the entire consulting industry will all profit by sharing our expertise and experiences. Continue reading “The Value of Mentoring”